First Step of the Hero’s Journey: The ChallengeSo…I promised I’d go through the basic steps of LIFEWRITING, which is, briefly, an exploration of the interaction of myth patterns and…10h ago10h ago
What you can do nowWe experience fear to the degree that we don’t use that energy for positive action. No matter WHAT you think the future holds, your best…Mar 1Mar 1
The “Diamond Hour” — ExplainedWe too should make ourselves empty, that the great soul of the universe may fill us with its breath. — Laurence BinyonFeb 27Feb 27
Life Lived As Art“A day in the Marine Corps is like a day on the farm. Every meal’s a banquet! Every paycheck a fortune! Every formation a parade! I love…Feb 20Feb 20
The How and Why of FaithSome of the unhappiest people I know are VERY smart people who are militant atheists. It isn’t just that they have no religious beliefs, it…Feb 19Feb 19
How To Know When You’re Really MotivatedI just realized my son has reached another milestone: he no longer wants me to remind him of his obligations: he wants to test himself, and…Feb 131Feb 131
It Was A Dark And Stormy Night…then Harlan Called, and it got worse!This happened over thirty years ago. It was indeed storming at about 9pm at night when I got the call from one of my very favorite writers…Feb 10Feb 10