90-Day “MAGIC Feast” in 2024?

Steven Barnes
5 min readDec 7, 2023


NOTE: We’re doing the 90-Day Love Feast focusing on Self-Love until Jan 1st. But then we’re focusing on creating change in your life, especially financial. So I’m experimenting with how to do this. I think it’s the “MAGIC Formula”. So…here we go.


So we’re doing the 90-Day Love Feast for the inner child. That’s the formal exercise, and it means making sure that child feels LOVED most of all. And then SAFE.

Connecting with your heartbeat, then feeling/visualizing the child within is a damned fine approach. And YOU NEED TO DO THIS. If you have any questions, please ask.

But in thinking about “what’s next?” we think that dealing with the next center might be more important than another strict “love feast” with a partner. Let’s work on our “Adult” self, which demands engagement with survival, hunting, and gathering. And that means work related. Money. The “MAGIC formula” was specifically created to “get in the game” in any quantifiable arena. Body and physical skills could qualify, but let’s be honest: if you don’t have your money together, you are at the mercy of those who hold the purse strings.

So let’s look at the MAGIC formula. Apply it to something IMPORTANT. Something which, if you got it, would move your “needle.” Move your life forward. For the sake of simplicity, let’s say it is creating/selling a product or service. Let’s be more specific and say a script. And the time frame is 90–100 days. Yes, you can choose a goal that can be completed more rapidly than that. But if it will take MORE time (like, say, writing a book) then you choose a piece of it, say “the first five chapters”

The “M” in MAGIC is “Map” or “Model.” That means that you look for someone who has accomplished something similar in a similar time frame, with similar resources to your own. Here, I might look back at my own life, or perhaps read articles on successful screenwriters describing their process. I might read a solid book on screenwriting, something written by a trusted mentor who has the approval of professional writers. You are looking for the actions, strategies, and emotional states used by successful people in this arena.

The “A” is Action. Daily action. You need to have a sense of the total amount of work that will be necessary. 90 days is about 13 weeks. Working five days a week would be 65 days of work. Divide 65 into the total amount of work your Map suggests (research? First draft? Rewrite?) and figure it out. Now, the dead minimum is “a sentence a day”. That keeps you moving, and momentum is its own magic. That’s 5 times a week dead minimum. What is your OPTIMUM? Might be three-five pages six days a week. You’ll need to determine that.

The “G” is Gratitude. Positive emotions. Faith and Gratitude are the antidote for fear, anger, and stress. You have to DELIBERATELY generate positive emotions. Your best bet for those would be the “Five Minute Miracle”, your sixty second breathing breaks, or even better, a “Morning Ritual” of motion and emotion, affirmation and visualization. But even sixty seconds, five times a day, is wonderful. While doing deep, slow diaphragmatic breathing (sixty seconds every hour) you can visualze the end point of your goal, and FEEL the excitement your “child” self feels that Mommy or Daddy are taking care of business. Christmas presents! Allowance! New bike! Get happy!

The “I” is Intention. Goal. And S.M.A.R.T. goals are a fine standard here. Specific, Meaningful, As-if-now (phrased and framed in present tense), Realistic (if anyone else has accomplished it with your resources. You have to BELIEVE ITS POSSIBLE) and Time-bound. Goals, as they say, are dreams with deadlines.

The “C” is Confidence. You have to look at that daily work. Do you believe you can do it? Do you believe that when you do you will become a happier person? That means you have to find a way that simply keeping your word to yourself for 90 days moves your life forward. You are becoming the person you desire to be, who you know you really are.


Experience with the MAGIC formula says some interesting things. If you give yourself a score from 0–9 in each of the five arenas, all you have to do is be sure you NEVER get a “zero” in any of the five. That means a general map of action, a little daily action, keeping your emotions positive, having a general written goal, and have enough confidence to feel that you are heading toward your life’s purpose, EVEN IF THIS SPECIFIC PROJECT DOESN’T MAKE IT.

Have the minimum “one” in each category and you’re in the game. Obviously, the more you research models, the more action you take, the greater your passion, the clearer your written goals (reading them daily!) and the more confidently you act the better you’ll be.

Here’s what I found: if I got myself to an average of about “5” in all arenas, without any “zeros” then something strange happened: I got “lucky”. Things in life began to support my efforts. It was very strange: calls out of no where, finding forgotten resources, old friends with good news popping back into my life. Strange.

Even more, I invite you to look at people who claim they have bad luck, or are prevented from success by social pressure or life circumstances. And I PROMISE you that you’ll find “zeros” in their M.A.G.I.C. Every time.

IF you can find someone who has accomplished your intent, you are on the path. Find three people and overlap their actions to find the critical similarities, and you are doing even better.

IGNORE people who say your dreams are impossible. They have given up, and simply want you to wallow in misery with them. And the good news is that, secretly, they are cheering for you. Because if YOU can make it, just maybe they will be able to follow YOUR map and escape their trap. Make no mistake: there ARE social and family and physical or emotional circumstances that can limit you. There are demographic realities of poverty, racism, and other forms of discrimination and oppression.

Find someone who solved the puzzle. Keep researching. Find what they had in common. That’s their “recipe” for the banquet of life.

Start cooking.



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Steven Barnes
Steven Barnes

Written by Steven Barnes

Steven Barnes is a NY Times bestselling author, ecstatic husband and father, and holder of black belts in three martial arts. www.lifewritingpodcast.com.

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