A Message From “Uncle Steve”
I’ve been “adopted” by so many guys and gals over the years that I realized I might as well own it. So many of us needed an “Uncle” to talk about life, love, sex, work, money, and health. I thought I’d just see what happened if I actually “leaned into” that a bit…
Here we go!
Uncle Steve here! I was asked a great question about GET F*CKED: Escaping The “Friend Zone” in 100 Days.
“For a friend: do you think your new incel book has lessons for married people whose bedrooms are a lot quieter than they would like?”
YES. But with a caveat. GF is a perspective on the male-female energetics that drive the Mating Game, and how to step onto the playing field. But in a current relationship, I would suggest adding the NINETY DAY LOVE FEAST.
What is it? I’m on day 30 with Tananarive. Basically, it is a 100% commitment to put her FIRST in my life, as we’re heading into our 25th Anniversary. That means my concern, every day, is for her to feel loved, cherished, prized…the sexiest, most wonderful and beautiful woman in the world, because in my eyes and heart…she is. She is the avatar of the “Divine Feminine” and I never want to forget how much I’d miss her if she was gone. So on my “Five Minute Miracle” I think about her, and what I can do to light her up.
This means that I have to ask her what SHE loves. What I need to do to make HER feel wonderful, and safe. This is critical, because WE SPEAK DIFFERENT LOVE LANGUAGES. What I need to feel loved is NOT the same. What I need to feel sexy is NOT the same. If I don’t ask her what words, touches, looks, actions, tones and so forth say “I love you” to her, I simply can’t be sure I know. Some people like to hear it. Others like to see specific actions. YOU HAVE TO ASK. And it CANNOT be asked from the position of “I’m going to do this for you, and then you’ll do something for me.”
NO NO NO. You have to do it simply because you love her. Because this is the natural expression of your heart. For Ninety Days, you do this, every day, out of a pure sense of love and service.
If every day you search for new ways to make her smile, feel beautiful, wonderful and SAFE, you are going to be in a wonderful new place — where her feminine energy and your masculine energy can dance.
All that remains then is to cultivate your own energy. Get it? Remember the story about the “Dog” and the “Cat”? Dogs come when you call. Cats wait until you are busy doing something interesting, and then curl up on your keyboard.
This means that you HAVE to be busy creating yourself, your life. Healing your own heart. Filling yourself with love and gratitude…absolutely “juicy” with a sense of life, and expansion, and JOY.
A healthy, happy, awakened human animal. Now…with NO expectation of return, SERVE HER. Let her know how much you love and appreciate her…but know that YOUR JOY, your power, your sense of adventure in life is under YOUR control. You want nothing from her that is not freely and eagerly given.
The GET F*CKED book is your key to re-connecting with that vibrant energy, without guilt, blame, or shame. It is NOT about seducing some particular woman. It is about being a healthy, sexy member of your “tribe”…and then paying attention to who is vibing to you. Knowing HOW to read those signals and evoke that response.
If you can adore her, love her, give her the time and room and space to feel safe and loved, adored and desired, by a man who is self-contained and creating his own life and joy…
What do YOU think is going to happen. I kid you not. It is VERY hard not to respond positively to someone who genuinely loves you and just wants the best for you.
You CANNOT “fake” this. This isn’t some kind of trick. You have to MEAN it, have to actually care, actually open your heart to love…which you cannot do if YOU don’t feel safe.
Get that? YOU HAVE TO TRIGGER THE FEMININE WITHIN YOURSELF TO NURTURE THE MASCULINE ASPECT, so that you can be dynamic and positive, “juicy” with life. But that creates, for anyone in your space, the SAFETY for the “feminine” aspect to expand, for Yin to cycle into Yang…not just sexual receptivity but actual AGGRESSION.
Anyway, that’s how Uncle sees it. The “dance” of masculine and feminine energies, within an individual or between two people, whether men and women, or two men, or two women…whether business, romantic, or sexual…is one of the most beautiful things in life. Withing a human being is is called “Ida and Pingala” in yogic psychology. “Yin and Yang” in Taoism. As individuals or couples, re-discovering this dance is revelatory.
So…yes. GET F*CKED is Uncle Steve’s statement about a lifetime of study, observation and practical experimentation on something he has ZERO interest in politicizing. This is about “What is True?” and “Who am I?’…to the MAX
Get in the Game, people. It’s the very best in town.
Uncle Steve…