After Breathing…What Then?
This is where the entire process begins. If I had to try to clearly define the next steps it would be:
- 5MM (Diaphragmatic Breathing for 60 seconds, once every 1–3 hours)
- MAGIC. Find one key goal in each of your three major arenas MINIMUM. Do NOT neglect any of the basic Body, Heart, and Mind (finances) goals. Break them down according to the MAGIC formula, and be sure you can get at least a “1” in each area every day.
- Morning Ritual. Take the first “5MM” break and expand outwards into a 10–20 minute session where you chant, visualize, emotional flood and clarify your intentions and role models ALOUD WHILE MOVING, implanting the MAGIC formula into your body.
You WILL hear voices in your head mocking you, trying to tear you down and telling you this is all nonsense. But if, for instance, one goal is to walk 2 miles a day, and you do your MR while walking, the voice saying “this is nonsense” is OBVIOUSLY LYING because you ARE walking. So if one of your affirmations is the old “every day in every way I’m getting better and better” and you see the connection between your three major arenas, and you ARE taking care of business, you have, possibly for the first time in your life, gained something critically precious in your SPIRITUAL as well as worldly path: identified the fact that you are NOT the voices in your head. Just having a hold of this single thread can unravel the false ego cocoon, and start the process of freedom.
Let’s talk about these first three tomorrow, SATURDAY THE 16TH on FIREDANCE shall we?
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