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Blessing Dance part 5
“For breath is life, and if you breathe well you will live long on earth.”
- Sanskrit Proverb
A very, very, powerful meditation is to “breathe into your heart.” This implies BOTH a diaphragmatic breath AND “listening to your heartbeat.” This aligns the body, emotions, and mind all in an extremely positive way. Once you get the “hang” of it, you can do this for sixty seconds every hour, and remain centered, energetic and in a state of gratitude all day long.
So last step in the Blessing Dance. First what we’ve already establish:
- Bow to each other
- Right hand over each others’ hearts, left hand over their right. Hold gaze and breathe slowly 10X
- Chant “you are my beloved. I open myself to you.” (hands over hearts)
- Hold eyes and breathe 5X (hands over hearts)
The last step is to hug and breathe together 5X
That’s actually it. A little kiss at the end is also our custom, but the core program is 2–5. We’ve been doing this for about a year and a half, and it is SPECTACULAR. I can feel the connection, and feel my own lack of focus or alignment as I gaze in her eyes. I work to sink through the daily familiarity and remember the miracle of falling in love with this amazing woman. Five days a week we do this.
The connection with the individual “Morning Ritual” should be obvious. As an individual, you need to love yourself enough to connect to your survival…