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“D-Railed” (2018)
“D-Railed” (on Amazon Prime) “starring” a somnambulant Lance Henrickson (he bookends the movie and presumably collects a decent paycheck for a long day’s work) is one of the most glaring examples of nepotism I’ve seen in a while, as it is produced by Zeppo DeLaurentiis, a family far far from the glory days of “Orca.” Basically, a New Orleans Halloween “Murder Mystery Train” full of suspicious, costumed people are hijacked by robbers and plagued by hallucinations. The train “derails” and slides into a lake. Where it is attacked by monsters. A half-dozen genres smooshed together into the same clown car, I won’t say it is totally without merit. I suspect that if they peeled away the detritus, there is a good idea in there somewhere, but they dragged it into the swamp and clubbed it like a baby seal. C-.