Member-only story
Day Ten of the Sun Salutation Challenge
If you keep track of how you “broke the chain” — stopped yourself from doing one in the morning, one at night — I promise you will learn about yourself.
- How you prioritize
- What you stop yourself from excellence
- The voices in your head
- Whether you think short or long term
- Whether you can keep your word to yourself
The last one is of critical importance. The questions “Who am I?” and “What is true?” are probably the most important questions we can ask. I have a theory that if you really had solid answers for these, you would reach every goal you ever set, and keep every promise you ever made.
Why? Because if you knew “what was” you would know what it takes to accomplish your intent. If you know who you are, you will know what your capacities are — whether you can pay that price.
Is it worth it? No? Find another goal. Yes? Do it. And clearly, the more accurate your perception, the higher the chance of accomplishment. Is it possible to get to 100%? Maybe. That would be perception raised to the level of precognition, of course.
In a smaller sense: can you trust yourself to keep your word to yourself? Can others trust you to keep your word to THEM? Taking an action demands that your motivation to act outweighs the inertia. The instant you associate more pleasure than pain with an action, you’ll take it.