Member-only story
“Disloyalty.” And the perils of dreaming that you are awake.
Today, I wrote: “If Jews who vote Democrat are “disloyal”, and the majority of Jews vote Democrat, you have just officially proposed a reason to distrust the typical American Jew. That way lies nightmare. Anyone who finds this comment acceptable is invited to unfriend me, now. Right now. Because that is over any line I should need to draw.”
Let’s dive into my thoughts here just a bit.
“Winston tastes good like….” when you don’t say the last word, you invite people to say it themselves.
“Jews who vote for Democrats are disloyal.” To whom? Well, there are two choices that make serious sense: Israel and/or America. And today, pundits are suggesting that Trump meant Israel.
O.K. But all that means is that he was too ignorant to realize people fill in that blank. And that “disloyalty to country” was used as a justification for horror within living memory. That means that either he meant it to indicate disloyalty to America, or he didn’t realize that people with a predisposition to anti-Semitism would leap there.
IN EITHER CASE, you are speaking of someone who should not be driving the bus. At BEST he is asleep. At worst, a monster.
A reader suggested that it may have been badly phrased: “I wouldn’t use the word “disloyal” so much as “stupid”. Supporting a group who clearly does not support them.”