Enter The Mad Scientist’s Lab

Steven Barnes
4 min readJan 29, 2023

I love experimenting and tinkering with my own wiring. Trying new things. Laying in bed, starting to wake up. The question that ran through my mind: “What is the greatest joy I’m looking forward to today? What is the greatest service I can provide?”

Greatest Joy? Maybe playing VR minigolf with the family. Hey, Walkabout has a new course open as of last Thursday: Atlantis. Has sharks. Nicki’s gonna love it!

Greatest Service? Recording Tananarive’s segment for ADHD TO A’S. I’ll interview her, and tomorrow she’ll interview me. She will give her thoughts…



Steven Barnes

Steven Barnes is a NY Times bestselling author, ecstatic husband and father, and holder of black belts in three martial arts. www.lifewritingpodcast.com.