FIREDANCE: The Dynamic Sphere

Steven Barnes
3 min readFeb 8, 2024


One of the questions behind FIREDANCE is: what would you have been, had you had the perfect environment to evoke your optimal potential of body, heart, and mind? That DOESN’T mean an easy life. The body obviously responds to challenge — the harder you push it SO LONG AS IT CAN RECOVER, the stronger you get. The same is true of heart and mind.

To ask yourself what might have been in such a “perfect” situation, what you really deeply yearn to be, and then aim in that direction is pretty much what we’re doing.

The first step is the Five Minute Miracle: sixty seconds of diaphragmatic breathing, once an hour, at least 5X a day. Yesterday, a person with some severe anxiety issues said they needed NINETY seconds to get the deep release. Experiment! This will help you break the stress spiral, and do a “hard reset” on the mental/physical reactions to fear and anger.

The next step is building one of these out into a “Morning Ritual” incorporating the MAGIC formula. This would be affirmations, visualizations, and emotional “flooding”, visualizing role models and basking in gratitude WHILE IN MOTION. This is insanely powerful, and will open the door to a new experience of life. Infinitely flexible and adjustable, get this right and you have your hands on the “controls” of your life: Model, Actions, Gratitude, Intention, and Conviction.

After that, use the Three Centers to be sure you are connected to the body/mind. This protects YOU.

Use the Three Gates: “is it true? Is it kind? Is it Useful?” This protects others from your unleashed hunger and ambition. And opens the door to spiritual growth.

After this? Add the models that relate to your specific needs. A writer might add The Hero’s Journey. Neurodivergent? Add the Rapid Planning Method. A martial artist? Add Musashi’s Principles, or some set of standards from your school. Have a religious or philosophical orientation, like Christianity, Stoicism, or whatever? Add some set of principles from THAT discipline.

But never, ever, neglect the four basics: 5MM, MAGIC, 3 Centers, 3 Gates. These will ground you. Employ them, be certain you NEVER have a “zero” in performance of them, and they will keep you on the path of constant, genuine, righteous progress. If “the meaning of life is to be joyful and of service” you have it covered. If the definition of success is “the progressive realization of a worthy goal” you have it covered.

This is the best condensing of over half a century of research, testing, and teaching of these things. Together, they form a sort of “dynamic sphere” of human existence, from survival to spiritual transcendence, and though that sphere cannot be seen directly, it CAN be glimpsed in our peripheral vision, much as out “true selves” cannot be grasped directly by the ego.

Join us on Saturdays as we explore the theory that engaging with these things just one hour a week can produce 1% positive change. We have students who are regularly doing (what feels to them) like 3–5% per week. That’s enough to create miracles!


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Steven Barnes
Steven Barnes

Written by Steven Barnes

Steven Barnes is a NY Times bestselling author, ecstatic husband and father, and holder of black belts in three martial arts.

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