Firedance: Three Gates and Politics

Steven Barnes
5 min readAug 5, 2023


“The direct translation is ‘the sweetness of life,’ although its meaning is slightly more complicated. It’s used to refer to things like the laughter of a child, the bloom of a flower, the first snowfall of winter, the smile of a loved one — all the small things of beauty that make life worth living.”” “The King’s Queen: Magiford Supernatural City (Gate of Myth and Power Book 3)” by K. M. Shea

Musashi Miyamoto said: “Do not think dishonestly.”

Sun Tsu makes it clear that war is the art of deception.

I don’t find these in conflict, because Musashi is imploring the warrior not to THINK dishonestly. Sun Tsu is talking about actions, when dealing with an adversary.

The clear implication is that war is a context in which the normal laws of society are suspended, and we only refrain from total tooth-and-nail if our diplomats and leaders can negotiate rules of engagement.

As “Politics is war by other means” it then follows that “in politics, truth is the first casualty.” Politics is the art of guiding action, HOPEFULLY for some aim that passes the Three Gates…even if the methodology cares more about what is “effective” than what is honest or kind.

I think it takes EXTRAORDINARY character to live in such a context without the need for deceiving others becoming self-deceit. The basic aspects of our nature are not “created” but rather “nurtured”. We feed them, they grow. And they have hunger.

I can feel the part of myself that enjoys spinning a yarn, seeing what I can get away with. And the part of me that enjoyed the flash of fear in my opponent’s eye when he realized he was tired, and I was not, and I was starting to nail him. Sexist that I am, I never felt that pleasure when sparring with a woman. Sue me.

And I sure as hell have a part of me that enjoys loafing and doing nothing. So yes, I can totally “get” the reluctance to commit to the Three Gates. But they describe a way of being which can be adhered to in all circumstances, although it gets harder, and the logic more tortured, in contexts of extreme conflict.

Some conclusions from these:

  1. I want to create a world in which we can ALWAYS adhere to the Three Gates. Is it possible? That’s another question. How would we get there? One person at a time.
  2. People who argue against the Three Gates tend to be people who find conflict everywhere. Fight all the time. In essence, they DEFINE themselves as fighters, and that means looking for a war. I honor such people, especially when they try with all their might to be honest and kind as well as effective. But I do suspect they need to believe the world requires them to be in “condition orange” at all times. And to the degree that I don’t believe this to be truth, the inevitable conclusion is that they are deluding themselves, either due to past trauma (the world is filled with threat) or their own hungers (they ENJOY inflicting pain, fear, and control. Are hierarchical AF.)

One consequence of this is that, with such people, if the conversation is political at all, I reserve the right to assume they find lies and cruelty to be effective and efficient. I cannot trust their integrity more than I trust my instinct about them. And since I also have the belief that honesty, kindness, and effectiveness are not only compatible but ultimately inter-dependent in the creation of an awake, aware, adult human being…

They are lying to themselves. EVERYONE wants to move away from pain, toward pleasure. To the degree that the Gates are a valid measurement of internal alignment with higher truth, then they are creating pain for themselves, without realizing it. They think they are defending themselves. But then, you have to step back and notice that they are ALWAYS in a fight. One right after another. They seem to radiate “come and try me”. I’ve known martial artists like this: human panthers. In a crowd of a thousand, a mugger or bully will seem to seek them out. Its really something to see.

Suspicion? They went into the arts because they were bullied. On some level, they still need to kick the ass of the people who hurt them, and RADIATE that hunger and challenge. One day, they will get enough, and turn that “green light” off. And the challenges and attempted muggings will stop.

And this also explains why I prefer philosophy to politics. Politics is the art of accomplishing goals, and to that end, dishonesty can be useful — stretching truth to build coalitions. In fact, I think it takes an EXTRAORDINARY person to work that vineyard without becoming corrupted by the deals you have to make to turn tens of millions of people into a unified force.

It is not that philosophers cannot lie, or be cruel, or pretty useless on a practical sense. But it is at least a SEARCH for truth. At the least, there is lip-service given to the notion, even if the person is really looking to justify cruelty or dishonesty. The corrupt in nature will find a way to turn ANYTHING into a con.

So a person who is willing to commit to the Three Gates still has trap after trap to avoid, no question. But starting the day with: “What do I need to accomplish today to be effective? How can I do it with kindness? What is the honest truth about my current position, and can I present myself without masks to the world?” is a damned powerful thing to do.

And ending the day with a similar set of questions is also powerful. And if you had a circumstance where you were forced to be dishonest (you don’t owe truth to a mugger. You might owe it to YOURSELF, however. YMMV) or cruel, you can ask yourself how you might have avoided that circumstance, and what you will do next time to diminish its corruptive impact.

Is it True? Is it Kind? Is it Useful?

Beware of people who argue their NEED to be dishonest, or unkind. They are telling you that they don’t care about being awake, aware, adult human beings — they are perpetually in “survival mode” and are either massively unlucky or they search for opportunities to be this way. They LIKE it.

Better believe they exist, brothers and sisters. And if you think there is a racial or gendered demographic that doesn’t have such people…that doesn’t pass the Three Gates.

Look in the mirror. In your quiet moments, even if you live in a war zone and feel justified in lies and cruelty, consider Musashi and TELL YOURSELF THE TRUTH.

You like the power. The flash of fear. The humbling of the egotistical. Slaying the dragon.

The problem of course is that we don’t see the world as it is. We see the world as WE are. If the world is filled with dragons, there is a dragon in the mirror as well. Don’t kid yourself.

If you want a better world…be a better person.




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Steven Barnes
Steven Barnes

Written by Steven Barnes

Steven Barnes is a NY Times bestselling author, ecstatic husband and father, and holder of black belts in three martial arts.

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