Member-only story
First Came The Word
(Before you start this…BREATHE. Deep, slow, diaphragmatic belly breaths, for sixty seconds. Do this every 1–3 hours. Whatever stresses you are dealing with, this will put you in the “eye of the storm” from which you can see things more clearly, and function with greater calm and joy. And now…we return to our regularly scheduled essay!)
Once you accept responsibility for your dreams, actions, and results, you are on a different path. If you also accept responsibility for your emotions, you are on a VERY specialized path: that of being an awake, aware, adult human being.
And right now, we need all the adults we can nurture. And when action is required, the Hero takes that action, in spite of fear or risk — if it is in alignment with his values.
So look at the first two steps
- Confronted with the challenge. The Hero comes to an awareness of an issue that must be resolved. (“Come with me Luke. Learn the ways of the Force.”)
- Rejecting the challenge. This is where the emotions or confusion of values blocks action. (“I promised Uncle Owen I’d work on the Moisture evaporators”). Let that mundanity also represent an unconscious awareness that if Luck accepts the challenge he risks death. When we know there are risks, we find ANY excuse not to engage. Meditation, for instance, holds no external risks, but risks ego death. Rather than do it, we will suddenly get the urge to take out the neighbor’s garbage. It is really strange to watch until you get the…