Goals Are Dreams…with Deadlines

Steven Barnes
3 min readDec 14, 2023


The “I” in MAGIC is for intention. Goal. “Why”? Every day, I see people who are complaining about lack of love, money, or health. And while they will complain to me, they won’t take my advice.

If you have a goal, that’s the “What”. Everything you could ever want is somewhere on the spectrum of “decrease pain” to “increase pleasure.” Identifying HOW the thing you want will do this is your “Why.” And that is what gets you out of bed in the morning. If you are doing it to decrease pain, or escape pain, you are motivated by FEAR. If you do it to increase joy, you are motivated by LOVE. And the more you do, the better you feel.

Note the opposite with fear: there, you will do enough to reduce the symptoms or get people off your back. But unless you CHANGE YOUR SELF IMAGE the new behaviors to escape pain and fear THEMSELVES trigger fear and pain. So the instant the external motivations decrease (you lose the weight, pay the bill, find a relationship) the INTERNAL motivations start disrupting your patterns until you return to “normal.”

When your WHAT is clear (SMART goal) and your WHY is powerful and in alignment with your values, beliefs and self-image…the HOWS get hella easier.

Let’s be specific. I have a STAR WARS novel to turn in in, say, three weeks. Clear goal, meeting all SMART requirements.

What are my “Whys”? Fun, money, contribution, self-expression, creativity. Absolutely in alignment with my self image. Will move my life in my intended direction of decreased pain, increased pleasure. Abundance and Service.

Can you see? Now, there will be issues of course: fear, pain, doubt, sloth, distraction. Fatigue and boredom. And I will have to deal with them as they come up.

Going back to the MAGIC formula, I have the Map (I know technically how to do this, and have the tools), know what my daily ACTIONS are (correcting and polishing 50 pages on paper or screen), am in control of my emotions (feeling great GRATITUDE. Every morning in my Morning Ritual I give vocal thanks to “The Force” as I perform Firedance Tai Chi) remember my deadline (Intention) and clarify my Identity as someone who CAN and SHOULD do this, take these actions. I AM that guy. I signed the damn contract. This is the life I asked for.

I hope you can see how it all fits together. And I do this EVERY SINGLE DAY, six days a week. Takes me 20 minutes in the morning, and powers my entire day. I’ll also take at least five breathing breaks during the day. During them, I will connect with my Child and Elder selves. If they are both smiling, I know I’m on the right path.

Every day you eat, you should move your body, strengthen your heart and clarify your mind. Just make it a daily practice. Simple, but not easy. This is advanced stuff.


Be unusual.




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Steven Barnes
Steven Barnes

Written by Steven Barnes

Steven Barnes is a NY Times bestselling author, ecstatic husband and father, and holder of black belts in three martial arts. www.lifewritingpodcast.com.

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