“Hard Work” is a fraction of the recipe
I regularly hear people suggest “hard work” as the key to success. It is a common belief…but while hard work is necessary, we all know plenty of people who work their fingers down to nubs with little return other than survival. This can create a problem: if you focus on “hard work”, and “hard work” doesn’t do it, then…does that mean there IS no way to get there? Is it all luck?
FIREDANCE and the MAGIC Formula is designed, SPECIFICALLY compensate for lack of “luck”, for being born outside the circles of power. And the MAGIC formula suggests a roughly equal distribution of these characteristics (I mean, really…how can you really measure them? Time? Energy? Attention? Just be fair to yourself and be sure the elements feel like you are giving them equal attention. Roughly)
MAP or Mentor. Find a path that has worked for others in your situation, and/or teachers who have done it, and also coached others to doing it.
Constant ACTION (“Hard Work”). Every day you are taking a step toward your goal. You are putting in the damned work.
Massive GRATITUDE (emotional management, embracing joy). Do this, and you are joyful. Take the energy of fear and use it to drive productive action. And…you are an instant success!
Clear INTENTION (SMART Goals). Clarity of destination is a “what” that triggers your “why.” If you have the “what” and “why” your “how” will figure itself out.
Core CHARACTER. Actions in alignment with being, dream and Three Gates. What you do is who you are. And you are constantly deepening your understanding of this.
Let’s dig into this, working backwards from our deepest most sacred dreams, tomorrow on FIREDANCE, at 12 Noon Pacific, at www.thefiredance.com
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Topic: Firedance
Time: Friday Jan 10th, 12 Noon Pacific (3pm Eastern)
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