How To Know When You’re Really Motivated
I just realized my son has reached another milestone: he no longer wants me to remind him of his obligations: he wants to test himself, and his ability to remember and do these things himself.
Do you SEE that? It is the first spark of PRIDE in himself. In JOY connected to action and efficacy. The Three Gates win again!
This is what you must do to motivate yourself: have your own positive reasons to do it. If you aren’t doing it, you simply don’t believe the effort will win out. YOU DON’T BELIEVE
If you are trying to connect with someone sexually or romantically, they have to believe the risk is worth the reward.
If you were trying to convince a reader to pick up your book, you have to induce a state that says “yes!” That might be a great cover, quotes from other authors (social proof) a provocative title or synopsis, reviews, or the simple fact that you have built a brand.
But from motivating yourself to finding love to raising children to building a writing career to building a political movement, in EVERY case you have to connect EMOTIONALLY, or you are dead in the water.
This is the same as writing effectively: start with an emotion. You feel something deeply, and want to transfer that feeling to the audience. In one sense, that’s all there is:
Identify the emotions that you wish to communicate.
Develop the skill to use language, imagery and structure to communicate that.
On every level: health, love, art, or money, the SAME things apply.
And we’ll talk about this tomorrow on the new Firedance: LIFEWRITING LIVE.
Friday, Feb 14, at noon Pacific.
And if you want to change the world with your dreams, join us in the new LIFEWRITING PRO workshop, a special gathering ONLY for those who actually want to PUBLISH their stories. We have FIFTEEN spots remaining now, and FOUR remaining coaching calls. Join the community at:
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Topic: Firedance Recurring
Time: Friday, Feb 14 at noon Pacific.
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