Is the 108/30 really “Everest For Everyman”?

Steven Barnes
3 min readJun 6, 2022

When I was planning my ascent of Kilimanjaro years back (Jeeze…twenty years ago?) I was pleased by a phrase in the marketing. That Kilimanjaro, the highest point in Africa, the tallest free-standing mountain in the world, was “Everest for Everyman” — a serious challenge within the reach of “the average person” in a way Mt. Everest is not. Everest requires time, energy, resources and levels of fitness and monomania frankly beyond most people on the planet. Kili? Six months of prep, and the average couch potato COULD do the deed, have a genuinely transformative and…



Steven Barnes

Steven Barnes is a NY Times bestselling author, ecstatic husband and father, and holder of black belts in three martial arts.