Let’s Be Heros In 2025
All my leaders, the people who want to help others in 2025, I would ask you to aim at the following goals:
1) Increase your energy by 50%
2) Finding your personal and relationship joy. Increasing your satisfaction by 50%.
3) Increasing your finances by 50%
Aiming at 1% improvement per week will do all of this, because of compound “interest.”
Use the MAGIC formula in general, then find mentors and maps in each of the individual areas, and just spend a few minutes every day studying them. Watching one Youtube video and incorporating what you learn into your Morning Ritual will do that. Money is the biggest one for most people: the area that causes so much pain that people will complain about lack of money, then lie to your face about wanting more of it. There, THINK AND GROW RICH is the all-time champ, but I highly recommend WE SHOULD ALL BE MILLIONAIRES, which is designed to SPECIFICALLY heal the wounds inflicted by 300 years of social war. Its principles can be teased out of MAGIC or TAGR, so I know they are valid. But they are also in a matrix of emotion and perspective (it even quotes Octavia!) that are designed specifically to appeal to black women. That means it also works for black people, women, and people in general. If you can open your mind and heart, there is solid stuff here.
I want my leaders to have ABUNDANT physical energy, passionate love for life and their partners and their own hearts. And enough surplus wealth to be of real support to ten other people. Intelligence is problem solving. If you haven’t solved the problems of escaping suffering, finding joy and being of service, of having “health, love, money, and time to enjoy them”…assume you have been deceived into focusing on the wrong problems. You are “looking where the light is, rather than where you dropped the keys.”
Tomorrow, on FIREDANCE, let’s decide to find those keys, and rather than just looking “under the light” where everyone else crawls around, but bring our inner light to the vacant lot where we actually dropped them.
I can promise you this: once you realize you have the right and obligation to take care of yourself FIRST, then your family and community…once you feel safe you will automatically want to give more to others. That’s how it works. There ARE no “others”. Just us. So a feeling of safety and plenty expands your sense of “I” to include others.
We need leaders, people willing to expand their love of thriving, and contributing, higher than their fear of failure or leaving a failure-minded circle, or facing obstacles from people who, deep down, do NOT want you to succeed, for whatever reasons. WE NEED YOU.
Join us, tomorrow Friday December 27 at 12 Noon Pacific, as we get ready to step into the new year…as leaders. The zoom link is: www.thefiredance.com
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Topic: Firedance
Time: Friday Dec 27, 12 Noon Pacific
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