Member-only story
Let’s Hear You Roar!
Defining the “minimum sustaining amount” of activity to progress a goal can really reveal what is stopping you. As long as you can say “I got busy”, “my friend was sick”, “work stressed me out” and the like, people will nod their heads in agreement for why you couldn’t get to the gym, write 2000 words, or get that hour of meditation you promised yourself. It’s logical: life gets in the way
But what happens when you commit to the minimums? A single sentence. Three of each Tibetan. The Five Minute Miracle. NOW if you say you didn’t have the time, people know you are lying. Even YOU know you are lying. Why? BECAUSE THE TIME IT TOOK YOU TO OFFER AN EXCUSE WAS ALL YOU NEEDED TO ACTUALLY DO THE DAMNED THING.
What you are left with is the lack of self-love, the dishonesty, the degree to which you put other people above you, your co-dependency and confusion.
Worse? You won’t look at this coldly. “I have a problem, and my problem is X or Y.” Nope. Remember that your ego thinks it is you. If you want to change, it will fight, as will your web of social connections. Look directly at it, and you might be able to change it. “It I focus 100% of y effort, I can solve this.”
Well…not if your ego can trick you into guilt. Blame. SHAME. “I didn’t do it. I’m bad and wrong and never get anything right. I’m not worth fighting for.” Bingo. All the energy you might have used to actually move that mountain goes right out the window. EGO WINS!