Lifewriting, MAGIC, and 2025
“Lifewriting” is the application of Campbells’ “Hero’s Journey” to life. The PERFECT self improvement program for writers and readers. The “Road of Trials” is the basic day-to-day actions we take pursuing our goals.
MAGIC is my custom way of insuring I have at least the minimum resources and actions to create 1% improvement per week minimum
“Firedance” is the Morning Ritual that anchors MAGIC into your consciousness, the way you actualize the “Hero” self.
The “buy in” for the “Firedance” it the “Five Minute Miracle” — sixty seconds of deep, slow, diaphragmatic breathing at the top of every hour, at least five times a day. That is “white belt” level. Yellow belt is “Firedance”, the creation of a “Diamond Hour” at the beginning of the day to straighten your tracks and check your engine and programming.
If you look at “Think And Grow Rich”, which is IMO the greatest book on the subject of success ever written, one critical point is the “Mastermind”, the creation of a team of advisors (Allies and powers, or “the Squad” etc.). There are at LEAST three different aspects of this:
1) The internal mastermind. This is having your beliefs, emotions, perspectives, theories, roles and identities ALL aligned to create the world you desire. Your internal “voices” are supportive and wise. This includes your chosen mentors and map-providers.
2) The external mastermind. “Two or more people aligned in a spirit of perfect cooperation.” With me, this starts with Tananarive. And no, its not “luck” that we found each other: we had done the work, and were INDIVIDUALLY on our way to our destinies. We just noticed each other and took the time to see if we were sufficiently aligned to take the journey together.
- The expanded community. Your CUSTOMERS. Your success will depend on your ability to understand their hopes and dreams, their pains and pleasures, and COMMUNICATE with them that you have walked their path, and are enough ahead of them to sell them maps and supplies for the journey.
What is your vision for 2025? Be sure you define this in AT LEAST health/fitness, emotions, and career. If money is a challenge for you, you’ll need to add “money” as an additional category. Health/fitness, emotions, career, and money. Should there be “spiritual” goals? Not if you take the first goals seriously, and address them according to the Three Gates.
If you will create the vision of how you want to look and feel, how you want your body to perform, expressed in “percentage of your ultimate potential” at this moment of your life. NOT comparing yourself to who you used to be.
And ask yourself: is it TRUE that you want this? That it is possible for someone in your life position?
Is it KIND? Is it connecting with your deep self? Are you reducing pain and increasing joy, even if this will require some intensity and discipline? When you visualize that new person, is that someone you want to know and hang out with?
Is it USEFUL? Would your new physical self be good for your family? Allow you to serve your community at a higher level? Would you be happier and healthier?
The Three Gates, plus the notion of “Escape suffering, embrace joy, and be of service” combined, are DYNAMITE.
Now…if you can see how your physical goals pass the Three Gates and relate to the “Purpose of life” then run it through the MAGIC formula:
Find the Map or Mentor which can transform your body.
Determine the daily ACTIONS you must take. They will involve exercise, fuel, and rest.
Flood yourself with GRATITUDE, and consider these new disciplines acts of joy.
Be specific about INTENTIONS. Weight, fat percentage, some measure for strength, flexibility, or endurance. Is there a 10k you want to walk? A Swing Dance class you want to enjoy?
Be sure that the goal relates to your Core Character. It has to feel “like you.” So that you are constantly becoming “more you.”
Can you see how we used three different models to check your goals and processes from multiple directions? I would strongly suggest you use MAGIC and The Three Gates…but that third (or fourth!) model is up to you. What you are trying to do is get a global, three-dimensional view of what you are trying to achieve. Every new model will show you something new.
This is, in effect, a way of “masterminding” with experts and wise men and women from the past. Going beyond your own limits.
Tomorrow on FIREDANCE we will talk about getting our bodies together, our physical energy. The “Four dimensional performance pyramid”, another model that kicks butt. But once you have anchored yourself physically, you need to also open your heart, and then your mind to abundance.
Steven Barnes is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.
Topic: Firedance
Time: FRIDAY JAN 3 at 12 noon Pacific (3 PM Eastern)
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