Member-only story
My Will Is The Wind. My Heart, the Sun
Day Eleven of the 30-Day Sun Salutation Challenge
Woke up this morning, and my meditation was a little “cloudy” but “deeper.” I connect the three centers, find various lights or sensations within my body, connect with my “child” self (“everything o.k. in there, Stevie? Anything I need to pay attention to?” “Nope, Dad. Just keep cleanin’ up.”) but then run a line of light down to the center of the Earth. Grounded.
Then I run a line from the top of my head to the sun. That all felt solid, if a little “cloudy” as I said. The visualization wasn’t clear, but it was good enough.
Rolling out of bed, my feet hit the floor.
Check in. Very little supination. When I tilt my pelvis, my back feels a little tight. I’m balanced, though — no listing. Head held as if by a string from above.
After emptying my bladder, I addressed the Sun Salutation. My body is a metaphor. It is the physical presence of will and heart, the result of countless small actions, disciplines, and indulgences. It is the vehicle with which I move through life. I care for it for my own joy and pleasure, because it is a helpmate, a gift to my beloved, and an example for my son.
What I do with it, how I feed it, how I help it rest and recover, is a measure of my health. If I was pure animal will I would eat only for fuel and repair material, and satisfy my emotions in other ways. But nope, I do eat for entertainment at times, and I…