Need more luck? Pump up the M.A.G.I.C.

Steven Barnes
3 min readFeb 21, 2025



“Regulate the breathing, and thereby control the mind.” — B.K.S. Iyengar

Want to increase your luck! Pump up the M.A.G.I.C.:

Spend the first hour of your day studying the people who have accomplished your goals.

Take MASSIVE action along the map their actions, emotions, and strategies suggest. Take it in such a way that you are simply playing the odds, rather than waiting for “luck.”

Flood yourself with GRATITUDE in your morning ritual. Gratitude for what you have increases your faith in what may come.

Clarify your INTENTIONS. Rewrite your goals every day. Post them on your computer screen. Think about them when you go to sleep, and when you wake up. Be sure your goals cover body, love, and money.

Check in with your CORE beliefs. Who are you? Are you the person who can continuously take the actions that will lead you to the destiny you desire? Do you want to be? What is the world? Are your actions aligned with nature, such that you sow what you wish to harvest? Are you helping others reach THEIR goals, being of benefit to your tribe?

If each of these is measured from 0–9, all you have to do is make CERTAIN you NEVER have a “zero” in any of these categories. That day is effectively wasted. Track this. When you have two weeks with no “zeroes” you are moving. When you average 3–4 points in each, every day, you are MOTORING. And when you get to 7–8 in each, you will begin to notice that “lucky” things are happening to you.

People will call out of “nowhere” with opportunities.

You’ll be sitting in a restaurant and accidentally overhear a piece of information that transforms your day.

You’ll get resources, ideas, and energy out of “nowhere” that aid your efforts.

But if you “zero” in any of these…

If you have no map or mentor, how do you know if you are heading in the right direction?

If you take no action, how do you expect to evolve?

If you feel no gratitude for what you have, you can’t have faith in tomorrow, and will sabotage your own efforts.

If you have no clarity on what you are trying to achieve, how do you know if you are winning?

If your actions or goals are NOT in alignment with your values, you can win the world…and lose your soul. Again, you are likely to put your brakes on. SOME part of you knows you are destroying yourself for fitness, love, or money.

The M.A.G.I.C. formula works so well it is startling. You keep your eyes on the “dog” of direct action, and from the peripheries will stroll the “cat” of your deepest desires. But you have to actually be busy becoming. You don’t CHASE success, you ATTRACT it by becoming the person who owns that life.

Because Tananarive and I had a MAJOR win this week that was purely MAGICAL…I really want to dive back into this basic piece of the puzzle. Join us on LIFEWRITING LIVE Zoom meeting, 12 NOON TODAY, FRIDAY FEB 21, at WWW.THEFIREDANCE.COM


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Steven Barnes
Steven Barnes

Written by Steven Barnes

Steven Barnes is a NY Times bestselling author, ecstatic husband and father, and holder of black belts in three martial arts.

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