NEVER sacrifice your true self

Steven Barnes
3 min readOct 10, 2024


Start every day with Joyscrolling. I go to Youtube and find a positive video by one of my old favorite teachers, or a new discovery. I NEED to spend some time, every day, in the company of people who believe in humanity, and faith, and mentoring, and hard work…and joy.

Today, I tripped across a very cool video by one of my old favorites, Jim Rohn. And the subject was:

Four things to NEVER sacrifice for anyone or anything:

1) Your dreams
2) Your Integrity
3) Health
4) Your time

You have the power to say “no” to things that do not serve you. Be uncompromisingly, YOURSELF.

Let’s talk about this more deeply tomorrow. “There is no greater reward than being true to yourself” — Jim Rohn

The fastest way to upgrade your life is to upgrade your associations. No, you don’t have to abandon old friends. But do a little less doomscrolling,a and you’ll have the time for positive input…what you think changes how you feel, how you feel determines what actions you will take, and your consistent actions will determine your destiny.

Make this change, and you will begin to attract a new tribe. Again, you can either bring your old tribe with you, or simply love each other even though they are on different paths.

But people, understand: there is a limit to HOW different your paths can be and still maintain a relationship. There is a limit on how different your beliefs, philosophies, and actions can be. At some point, either you will change them, OR THEY WILL CHANGE YOU.

And you have to decide in those cases: what is worth losing yourself for?

I say: NOTHING. You have to find the people whose essence and direction are sufficiently aligned that you can climb your mountain and stay tethered to them: they are climbing the same mountain, at the same rate.

Tananarive was afraid she might have to walk alone to create her future. She was NOT willing to settle for a man who would slow her down, be jealous of her passion and skill. The moment I fell in love with her was the moment I saw that the same creativity and energy she put into her writing she was putting into designing her life.

It meant that just possibly we could walk that path together. And so it has been.

To a lesser degree, this is true of ALL your relationships, with the possible exception of some family connections. Your primary relationship is with YOURSELF.

Tomorrow on FIREDANCE, we will interrogate this concept, and show how to apply MAGIC to both creating your destiny, and attracting your new tribe…and becoming centered enough that you can love your old friends and be with them without fearing they will drag you down or ask you to compromise.

Tomorrow, on FIREDANCE Zoom meeting, Friday October 11, at 12 noon Pacific at

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Steven Barnes
Steven Barnes

Written by Steven Barnes

Steven Barnes is a NY Times bestselling author, ecstatic husband and father, and holder of black belts in three martial arts.

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