Member-only story
“Queen’s Gambit” and the Hero’s Journey
If you can model success, and find the weakest link in your chain, FOCUS THERE. A minimum 1% change per week will take you anywhere you want to go. People act impatient: “I have to get that result NOW! I don’t have time to study/meditate/plan/network/save.”
And it sounds reasonable. They’ve convinced themselves, and the people around them. In relationships this s the “there are no good men/no good women” pity parties. I don’t have TIME to heal. I’m lonely NOW.”
But if you’ve lived a while, you notice that six months, six years, or even DECADES later…they’re still here. Often with the same problems and offering the same excuses.
The root problem is fear. If you can manage your fear, you can look at you life more dispassionately. One of the most important things is to take ANYTHING you’ve ever accomplished in your life and applied the Hero’s Journey to it. And contrary to some opinions, yes, you can find this pattern in all world mythologies, and all human activities. Rarely the entire pattern bluntly, but once you’ve applied it to a dozen events in your life, you’ll start seeing the Journey everywhere. The full pattern is like a circle, and what we often see is like the gentle curve of the Earth, or points scrambled out of order. But once you’ve consciously applied the pattern to a dozen movies, and then a dozen life events, you’ll have a grasp.
The recent television series QUEEN’S GAMBIT is a perfect opportunity to look at this…