Member-only story
Remembering To Be Your Best
The “Pen And Sword” workshop focused on what I’m learned of Mastery in the three arenas of my life I’ve put the greatest focus. Writing and Martial arts are arenas in which I’ve spent the most time, achieved the highest degree of success, and had the most opportunity to observe both beginners and grandmasters, such that the line connecting them describes a path of action. Stay on the path, take a step every day, and you are on “The Path of Mastery” as much as anyone who has ever been on that path. Now…some travel faster than you, and some are horizons away in realms you may never reach. But if you are paying attention to the journey, YOU DON’T NOTICE THAT. In fact, people who complain about their lack of success in comparison to others are, by definition, stepping off the path. Yeah, its just that simple. You are not on the path of Mastery to the precisely degree you complain or gloat about the results of others. Yeah, I said it.
So what can I do this week to make my own journey smoother? Well, I can get better at using my journal, which asks me daily questions to remind me what is most important. To be the best I can be, of the greatest service to others, and to have the most passionate experience of life I can have. Looking at my previous week’s work, what emerges is that I got only a “3” out of “5” in the following:
- “Managing my self-talk to stay on my A-game” and
- “Setting intention before each major activity today.”