Start Planning a MAGICal 2025
This last month of 2024 is an opportunity to both look back at what you have accomplished, and also to see what DIDN’T get done. To gather ourselves together, re-connect with our passions and faith, and decide to make 2025 the best year ever.
If you cannot decided on a goal, choose to manifest the classic toast: “Health, Love, Money, and time to enjoy them.” Compare this to the ultimate goals in life: “escape suffering, embrace joy, and be of service.” The “grid” formed by these six intentions covers a vast amount of useful territory.
START WITH THE PHYSICAL. A goal of doubling your energy creates an entire universe of useful questions for you to research. Your goal is to connecxt with your survival drive, the source of all motivation.
THEN EMOTIONS. Your relationship with yourself, your “inner child” and “inner elder” and your heart. Then, most will extend that to one other person, your significant other. This recognition of expanded identity is one of the most precious and powerful things in the world..
THEN MIND. Problem solving. Hunting and gathering. For most people, the symptom of an issue here is lack of money. The notion of creating goods and services for a community that needs them, and having the self-respect to demand what you are worth. Aim at producing enough surplus to be of aid to your community: feed them from your “harvest”, not your “seed corn” is the notion.
Get that? First take care of yourself, next your family, and then your community. IN THAT ORDER.
The MAGIC Formula would suggest finding separate role models for each arena, someone who could solve the problems you face with grace and humor. If you study them enough, look for how each applied the MAGIC FORMULA and/or the TAGR principles. If you choose well, you will ALWAYS be able to answer questions like:
- Who inspired or taught them?
- What daily/weekly actions did they take?
- What kept them inspired (and most champions are inspired by LOVE rather than FEAR.)
- What was their specific intent, and WHY did they want it?
- What was their core identity (i.e.: Ali was “The Greatest”) such that their actions and intents aligned with their sense of being?
If you will choose your three models and ack these questions as you research and study, you WILL find the answers you need.
Tananarive and I are studying OUR mentors, and one of the things they do is plan their year in advance. So we’re looking at three LIVE classes we want to teach, and have set dates for them. If you are interested in how we apply the MAGIC Formula or LIFEWRITING (the Hero’s Journey applied to life itself) and are a fan of HORROR or SCIENCE FICTION, or are interested in SCREENWRITING, we have already marked our calendar and hope you’ll mark yours! We promise three solid hours of non-stop reality, deep structure, endless energy and enthusiasm, and a real sense that art can both heal and change the world. Join us!
Afrofuturism Jan 25
Screenwriting May 17
The Art of Horror Sept 13