Member-only story
Step #4: Specialized Knowledge
After returning from vacation, I have the fun of getting back to THINK AND GROW RICH, the first “self help” book I really studied as a child. It is my belief that it is unique, and can never be duplicated — everything written after it had TAGR to stand upon. It changed the field.
The beautiful thing is that while the suggestions within it, gained from interviewing countless successful people are specific to income, they could easily be applied to the other major aspects of life: fitness/health and relationships. All it would take is a little imagination.
By the way, there are those who think Napoleon Hill made it all up, that the evidence he actually spoke to Edison, Carnegie, Ford, and so forth is slight. I have multiple reasons to believe the story is essentially true (I’d be shocked if there wasn’t some fabulizing, however) but one of the reasons is that he was never shockingly successful at anything other than selling these ideas. After pondering these ideas, and re-reading the book countless times over the decades, not only have I never seen a success who didn’t consciously or unconsciously use some of the principles, but have seen countless people lift their lives up by practicing them, and met countless REALLY successful folks who credit TAGR for their success.
What kind of mind might have simply “made it all up”? Seriously? A frickin’ genius, that’s what. That’s who. And that kind of mind would, IMO, have been successful at anything he ever tried to do, because he’d be wise and smart and perceptive…