Member-only story
Step Eight: The Power of the Master Mind
“The Mastermind principle is the coordination of knowledge and effort between two or more people who work towards a definite purpose in a spirit of harmony.” “No two minds ever come together without, thereby, creating a third, invisible, intangible force which may be likened to a third mind.” — Think And Grow Rich
One of the interesting things about this principle is that it is considered “the only known way to compensate for lack of native ability.” In other words, if you can create a TEAM of people to accomplish a goal, you can invite onto that team people with abilities you lack, and the whole will be greater than the sum of its parts. Sun Tsu speaks to the building of teams, with a wise commander understanding the needs and capacities of his troops, and assigning each to a station that does not ask more than they are capable of giving.
Basically this principle says to study the desired area of success, and to define the collection of skills and resources you will need to accomplish it. You then create relationships with those who have a common goal, providing benefit to them.
- You must meet once a week to discuss plans.
- You must conduct these meetings in a spirit of harmony. A single sour note can spoil an entire symphony. Better to have a small, harmonious group than a rowdy crowd. In sled terms, all your Huskies have to be pulling in the same direction.
- The first and most important “Master Mind” is within your own heart. The…