Storytelling and Personal Evolution

Steven Barnes
3 min readJan 17, 2025


Every story is the tale of someone attempting to diminish suffering or gain joy. In marketing, you tell the story of how you searched and struggled, found allies and inner strength and new knowledge from the Old Man on the Mountain. And overcame your struggle to reach the next level: the Student becomes the Teacher.

But who does the teacher teach? The NEXT hero on the path. The Teacher is now the “Old Man on the Mountain” that the NEXT person will need to find the resources to exit THEIR “Dark Night of the Soul.”

This is true WITHIN us, where we use the understanding gained in one arena of life to master ANOTHER arena.

This is true BETWEEN us…where couples teach and support each other, bringing their different life experiences together to create a greater whole.

It is true BETWEEN us every time a parent teaches a child, sharing their honest perception and hard-won wisdom about the path of life.

It is true AMONG us when we teach classes, or create teams to reach objectives unavailable to individuals. Those teams need VISION, need to know where they are GOING. If you inspire them, can help them see how assisting in YOUR journey also helps them reach THEIR higher goals, you “sell” them on working for and with you with something more precious than money: meaning.

And it is true AMONG us when you create value that you wish you had had on your journey, and show others how that product or service can accelerate their own movement away from pain toward pleasure.

You have to tell a story. If it is true that my war is over, the question is: what is next? What and who do I teach? I have to go back to my beginning, see everything I attempted and what I learned, and that means going back to the most basic knowledge.

The Primary goal of all living things is to move away from pain toward pleasure.

The Primary goal of awakened beings is to escape suffering, embrace joy, and be of service.

The Hero’s Journey is the collected wisdom of all humanity about what we know of this path.

The Chakras, Maslow’s Heirarchy, and other such similar maps are the best overview of the internal process that transforms us.

The Three Gates are our guide to ethical action

My task is now, given almost forty years of concentrated focus on this question. I have a “BHAG”, a “Big, Hairy, Audacious Goal” (a term coined by Jim Collins) to transform the world in a specific way. A goal big enough to frighten me, to demand transformation and abandonment of the lesser self. If the first step of the HJ is “Hero confronted with a challenge”, the disruption of the status quo, you’ll know it’s a “BHAG” if it FRIGHTENS you.

This frightens me. I’m on the right path.

Join us today on FIREDANCE and we’ll ask what is YOUR “Big Hairy Audacious Goal” in 2025. And then, join us through the year as we travel together.




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Steven Barnes
Steven Barnes

Written by Steven Barnes

Steven Barnes is a NY Times bestselling author, ecstatic husband and father, and holder of black belts in three martial arts.

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