Taking the First Adult Steps

Steven Barnes
4 min readJun 17, 2024


Arguably, this last weekend Jason took his first real step on the Manhood path. To the degree that adulthood is about taking responsibility for your actions, emotions, and upkeep, MONEY is the passport into the land of adulthood, where all the adult goodies can be found.

There is nothing more miserable than people who do NOT have adult command of their basic aspects who want the “adult goodies.” So two weeks ago, he said he wanted to be an extra (DESIRE)

I carefully probed, and found that he actually did have a belief that he could do this. And…I realized that we have connections and “specialized knowledge” to help make it happen.

We could make plans, and if he was committed, create a “mastermind” within our family, reaching out to allies we’ve gathered along the way…all HE had to do was take steps like creating photographs and audition MP3s (a reader hooked us up with a podcast opportunity for him!)

He had a Map or Model (we could supply that, as well as connect him with people with real experience)

We could define the ACTIONs he needed to take

He was expressing POSITIVE EMOTION (gratitude for his family and opportunities) and does his “changes” (NLP swish patterns, anchored physically)

Had clear Intention

And felt that this action was aligned with his joys, and could lead to service (he was talking about wanting to change and heal the world!)

Note that? Can you extract the first NINE steps of TAGR there?


If you can run your goal across multiple patterns and see the flow, you are perceiving “those things that cannot be seen” (thanks, Musashi!) and on the right track. He created the audition tape ON HIS OWN, very clearly had heard and absorbed our coaching on the subject, and was sanguine with the notion that he might have to do this 100 times before getting a job.

Wow. Just…wow. Its very much like the “adult” Jason popped out of his mouse hole and said “I’ve got this handled.” The “adult” is starting to create a world for his “child” self. And by the way…THIS IS NEST BUILDING. I can 100% promise you that a healthy, self-loving, intelligent female of his species would have her hind-brain go “ding ding ding!” at a handsome young man who has taken real steps toward building a life. So add “Sex transmutation” the TAGR list.

That is amazing. All he has to do is keep taking steps, and follow the principles he’s been taught, and all will be well.


I’ve heard it said that the single piece of information that a time-traveler could take back thousands of years to accelerate mankind’s progress would be the atomic theory of matter. I sort of think that the germ theory of disease would also be good, and the notion of equality across lines of race and gender.

Three things that would have changed the world, no question. The “White Belt” level of Firedance needs to have similar simple but profound ideas for people to chew over, things which, EVEN IF THEY MISSED THE REST OF THE SYSTEM, would transform their lives.

Today, on June 17th, I have an opinion about what they would be. Basic notions which are transformative, developmental, and diagnostic. They would be

  1. the Five Minute Miracle (60 seconds of deep, slow, diaphragmatic breathing at the top of the hour, at least 5X a day)
  2. The Three Centers. Belly Brain, Heart Center, Head center, and the notion of “awakening” them bottom to top. People’s wounds and weaknesses will ALWAYS show up in one of these arenas. The more accurate their reality map, the more balanced and “brighter” the centers.
  3. The Three Gates. “Is it True? Kind? Useful?” An entire ethical system in a box. The Eightfold Path of Buddhism can be derived from them. And if a person will not commit to them, and you see dishonesty, cruelty, or lack of error-checking and progress in their lives…this is probably NOT going to be a valuable interaction.

These three things. I do think that they can form the most basic level of the Firedance system. More thought is necessary, but I believe anyone who embraced all three would be on a generative life path. Let’s add just one more thing:

D: The meaning of life is to escape suffering, embrace joy, and be of service.

“D” is actually an outgrowth of the first three. A person who prevents stress from becoming strain, and has discipline and focus (5MM) who addresses the Three Centers will naturally move away from pain toward joy (all creatures do, to the limit of their ability) and asking the Three Gates would increase their amplitude and congruence in body, mind and spirit. They would heal, experience joy, and feel SAFE enough to expand their sense of self to include first a beloved, then a family, then a community, and from there to embracing all of mankind.

ABCD. 5MM, 3 Centers, 3 Gates, Suffering →.Joy →Service

We could spend lifetimes just digging into these four. I think I’d be safe considering them basics, as I cannot think of a single major thing in life that cannot be cultivated from this base. They say that all the elements of advanced mastery are nothing but sophisticated basics.

Seems reasonable.






Steven Barnes
Steven Barnes

Written by Steven Barnes

Steven Barnes is a NY Times bestselling author, ecstatic husband and father, and holder of black belts in three martial arts. www.lifewritingpodcast.com.

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