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The Law of Attraction’s “Missing Piece”
Brian Scott interviewed me for his podcast Wednesday, and it was a good, wide-ranging discussion. One of the focuses is the “Law of Attraction” which is a popular topic, and I find it perfectly valid…with a couple of adjustments.
The notion that if you want something badly enough it will come to you is quite “attractive” and all you need to do to make it more workable is to define your terms and standards for the sentence.
“If you want something enough, it will come to you.”
Well…remember what I said about the M.A.G.I.C. formula? It was extracted from THE SCIENCE OF GETTING RICH by Wallace D. Wattles, and according to my sources, was a primary source for THE SECRET, and other “Law of Attraction” works. When boiled it down to its absolute basics, you get just four factors you can squeeze into an acronym for easy reference:
“Magic” = Action X Gratitude X Intention X Confidence.
The notion being that you give yourself a score from zero to nine in each, and make DAMNED sure that you have at least a “one” or the whole thing zeroes out.
Don’t take any action? You’re dead.
Don’t feel gratitude for the gifts life has already given you? Why believe any good things are coming?
Don’t have a clear goal to aim at? Swim in circles until you drown.