Member-only story
The Toilet That Flushes Your Dreams
The power of the Morning Ritual is bringing all three aspects of our being under our control for just 5–20 minutes. Remember that it is “simply” moving your body (I use Tai Chi. Son Jason uses the Five Tibetans) WHILE chanting aloud affirmations impressing the steps of the M.A.G.I.C. formula (Model times Actions times Gratitude times Intention times Conviction equals results) on the unconscious mind.
Typical affirmations for my own ritual would be:
“I’m so grateful for a strong healthy body and mind” (Gratitude, Conviction)
“I’m so grateful for the people who love and trust me…” (Gratitude, implication of Intention)
I’m so grateful for Larry Niven and Steve Muhammad…”. (Role models, Intention, Gratitude, daily Action)
“All the Productivity I need is within me now” (Conviction, Model, Intention)
If you cannot see how these cover the M.A.G.I.C. framework, please ask questions.
The point is that you need to EXPERIENCE the way it feels to have your mind, body, and emotions all operating in the same direction. If you are performing some structured and intelligently designed physical task, you are automatically achieving one meta-goal (overall health and fitness), so that the snaky voices in your head can be revealed as liars. “You’re not accomplishing anything with this!” they say. But logically, you ARE, if you are say, performing the Five Tibetans. Revealed as liars, the voices in your head lose…