Member-only story
Three Gates and Bad Love
Every day I wake up and look for a FB post that gives an opportunity to speak of the Kundalini Express, the path to being an awake, adult human being. Ain’t easy, but the best game in town. This morning I came across this that inspired me:
“How can a man say you know he loves you…. but…. he goes off on trips fishing for 2 weeks, 3 weeks or a month and leaves you home? He could take you with him… BUT if you can’t stay at his Sister-in-laws house where she makes you uncomfortable and you have no privacy there and are left with all his family while he goes off and does what he wants, then you’re not being nice. How is it that you’re in a relationship that seems one sided and he really doesn’t care how you feel? How can that be love? Have I missed something being married for the last 24 years? Am I being selfish wanting to be with him, but not put into a situation where I am not comfortable? I don’t think so! NO, I do not know you love me because your actions show me that I am of no importance. I want to go on trips too, but I am not included!! Am I missing something? Is this a Spiritual Partnership?”
His behavior is telling you his rules, values, filters, beliefs. The way he satisfies his needs. If that doesn’t overlap with the way you satisfy YOURS, you have a few choices:
- Improve communication to be certain he understands the way you are reacting. While he is not RESPONSIBLE for your reactions, if “love” for you includes CARING about your reactions, you will find out how compatible…