What If You Don’t Have A Goal?

Steven Barnes
3 min readMay 9, 2024



And as you do, visualize your primary intent, and the steps you are taking toward it today. This requires clear INTENT. For people who have a hard time deciding what their goals are, you could try the following:

  1. A goal to be safe and joyful. This is the foundation from which all else springs.
  2. A goal to clarify your goals. This kind of meta-position is great. “By my birthday in 2025 I will have great clarity on what I want in life, and a plan for its achievement”
  3. A goal to find a mentor, therapist or coach. If you need help, admit it.

But remember: the primary goal is on that Pain →Joy →Service continuum, STARTING with self-love and self care.

But your goal is best with an objective measure of some kind, in EACH of the major arenas. Body, Heart, Head. Fitness, Love, Money. “Health, Love, Money and time to enjoy them” is a wonderful basic goal. Mine was “1% daily increase in amplitude and congruence of body, mind, and spirit” for years.

I recommend something like this to Firedance students, only at the rate of 1% per week. DO NOT aim at moving faster than that, unless you’ve already exceeded 1% per week and feel unstressed by the change.

But….BREATHE. You WILL experience stress as you move forward. Always. Just keep it from becoming strain.

Remember: if you can’t figure out what you want, then you want JOY, and your first intermediate step is CLARITY. Look at all three arenas: body, heart, and mind, and see where your wounds are, starting from the base, body. Survival. Self-care. IF YOU DON’T HAVE THIS LOCKED, YOU ARE GOING TO HAVE TOO MUCH FEAR to be really honest. To express yourself. To TRUST yourself to speak your truth and tell the world who you are and why you are here.

That goal of mine, the “amplitude and congruence” thing is about graduated progress in the Three Centers and the Three Gates. And I defy anyone to offer a logical and rational reason this would be a bad idea. There are plenty of reasons others will TELL you there are solid reasons. And they are either trying to manipulate you, or excuse their own need to express anger. There is no cheese in that maze. Stay away.




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Steven Barnes
Steven Barnes

Written by Steven Barnes

Steven Barnes is a NY Times bestselling author, ecstatic husband and father, and holder of black belts in three martial arts. www.lifewritingpodcast.com.

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