What if you were a Bad Girl?”

Steven Barnes
3 min readDec 19, 2024


In Rachel Rodgers’ book “We Should All Be Millionaires” she’s asking a lot of questions. The “bad girl” question relates to a reality: women are programmed to be “nice” at the cost of their ambitions, preferences, and even safety. So asking that question every morning is designed to rewire the mind and heart, and ask what you really want, whether others agree or not.

IMO, the matching question for men might be the same, but the implications are different. Men are PUNISHED if they aren’t ambitious, aggressive risk-takers. To the same degree that women are for aspiring to those thing? I have no idea how to measure that, and so find that less useful than resolving that duality: “human beings are punished for not fitting into their social boxes.” I would ask the next question, about how social roles evolve for survival of the tribe, and then ask whether it is safe to change that wiring.

I believe that in about 1960, advances in birth control changed the basic nature of human society in some fascinating ways. That’s another discussion, but it boils down to: yes, there are reasons we have the gender roles we see around us. They were conducive to producing the maximum grandchildren. But we have also entered a new period in that history, one in which we MUST ask questions about what we are as a species, as a society, as families and as individuals.

We can dream. And as long as the core survival needs of our bodies and societies are met, we have more flexibility than most thing even possible.


And then work backwards from that dream (as long as it is anchored to survival!) through the thoughts, values, beliefs, actions, emotions and associations that will make it happen. Tomorrow on FIREDANCE lets refine our dreams, and anchor them in personal and social survival so that we have permission to go full-tilt boogie toward our dreams, knowing that abundance allows us not just to express ourselves and support our families, but is an indication of the healthy adult relationship we have with our society. Join us at 12 NOON PACIFIC, FRIDAY DEC. 20TH at WWW.THEFIREDANCE.COM

It’s Christmas, as Hans Gruber said, “the time of miracles.” Let’s dream a miracle for ourselves, and each other, in 2024



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Steven Barnes
Steven Barnes

Written by Steven Barnes

Steven Barnes is a NY Times bestselling author, ecstatic husband and father, and holder of black belts in three martial arts. www.lifewritingpodcast.com.

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