What is MISSING from MAGIC?
The MAGIC Formula was an awakening for me, clarity on what was missing in my life, and why it trashed my chances of success (specifically, GRATITUDE). But I can’t pretend that five things cover all. This is one reason that we tell people to bring in another pattern. But it might be valuable to look at specific and important strategies that are NOT in those five.
Here’s one: NETWORKING.
Want to make money? Focus on two things:
- Constantly upgrading and improving your skills, in terms of creating a product or service. BECOME A MASTER!
- Constantly improving your NETWORK, and your skill at communicating with them. This is all there is of marketing and sales. It is tragic that so many people miss this. Complain about how others get ahead at work because of social skills, but do NOT have a shelf of books on the subject. I mean…what the hell?
This is a skill some people SEEM to have automatically. I would suggest it is software programmed in childhood, but who really knows? What IS important is that you can learn. It is very much like the SOULMATE process. A quick survey will suggest that most people date fewer than 100 people to find a mate. I think it reasonable to look at this and suggest that one out of every…maybe 6k people? Could be a potential life partner. So expanding your social circle, “advertisting” yourself by being true to your nature and projecting energy, being interested in other people so that you take your attention off yourself…and there you go. The average person knows about 600 people. Each of them knows 600 people. That means that you are only two degrees of separation from 360000 people, or if my sums are right…about SIXTY potential life partners!
Lets not go into the minutia of the SOULMATE process, except to say that the core focus it to love yourself enough that you will be attracted to some of those attracted TO you.
Networking. If you have a date, and you guys don’t strike sparks, remember that they know 600 people. That if you are happy, healthy, successful, and make them feel like you really wanted to know who they were, if THEY aren’t interested, they might very well think “wow. Terrific person! Not for me…but I know this fantastic guy/gal…”
And if the sums are right, it wouldn’t take more than ten such dates before one of them is likely to know someone who would be PERFECT for you.
And…the same thing is true about sales and marketing. If you are PROUD of your product or service, and honestly seek a “tribe” of people who need what you have (and if you have produced honest objective results, and/or have testimonials from people saying you made them happy), and really CARE about those people…then I rather suspect that you are looking for a connection far more common than “finding a soul mate.” Heck, I kinda think that if you provide an honest service or product, something that helped YOU move away from pain toward pleasure…SOMEONE YOU ALREADY KNOW WILL WANT IT.
And frankly (this just occurred to me) if NO ONE in your circle wants it? It might be smart to find another product or service.
Those are the two ways you can look at it: either serve the tribe you have, or find a tribe and determine what they need that you can provide.
And IMO there is ALWAYS something. Our fears stop us. Our lack of clarity stops us. And our negative beliefs stop us.
Anyway, I think looking at things the MAGIC formul does NOT cover might be a great focus for tomorrow’s FIREDANCE. Join us! FRIDAY, JAN 25, 12 NOON PACIFIC (3PM EASTERN).
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