What Would Next Year Look Like…
“Every day is a new beginning. Take a deep breath. Smile, and start again.” — Author Unknown
Once survival is handled, love is the most important force in life, and we all know this instinctively when it comes to our children. But somehow, we don’t consider ourselves to need this driving and attractive force, and as a result, miss out on some of the very best emotions in life…and a great life is about great emotions.
EMOTIONS are what drive ACTIONS. Actions are what create RESULTS. Whatever results you desire in life, if you can determine the actions that maximize your chances (and stay away from the people who look at any success and say: “it was luck!” They are just trying to justify inaction. It is fear) then looking at the EMOTIONS that enable or prevent that action, you have the key to your internal kingdom.
Remember the WHAT? And then the WHY? The “why” is your emotions.
Why eat better? Because I love myself.
Why exercise regularly? Because I love myself.
Why give 100% of myself to my family? Because I see myself in them, and I love myself.
Why create products and services for my community? Because I see myself in THEM, too, and I love myself.
Why learn marketing and sales to communicate my value to them? Because I love myself enough to BELIEVE in myself. And love them enough to want to serve them.
Take care of survival so that you aren’t primarily driven by fear.
Then open your heart to love yourself fully and completely.
Then see yourself in those around you. Really FEEL that connection, and you naturally and spontaneous expand to include them.
Only fear stops us. So look and deal DIRECTLY with the fear. You don’t have to eliminate it…just be clear on its purpose in your life. You don’t have to eliminate the negative voices in your head — you just need to really UNDERSTAND that those voices have no power you refuse to give them.
REFUSE to be driven by your fear. Pay attention to it, deal with anything logical that it indicates, but YOU are in control.
So…if love and fear war for the same space in our hearts, you have to identify their appropriate and inappropriate usage. Who do you want to be? How can your love empower you to change? How has fear stopped you?
Answering questions like these will help you more than you can imagine. If you KNOW that fear has stopped you…you can ask how to change that, and begin the process of reclaiming your life.
All by loving yourself, all the way.
We’ll work on this more, the ways that love and fear impact our lives, and how to deal with them, this Saturday on FIREDANCE. Remember the three major practices:
- Five Minute Miracle. Every hour on the hour BREATHE for 60 seconds of deep, slow, diaphragmatic action.
- The Morning Ritual. 10–20 minutes of MOVEMENT while chanting affirmations, focusing on role models, visualizing positive outcomes and ultimate results, and flooding ourselves with positive emotions.
- COMMIT TO 1% CHANGE PER WEEK. Just find one new little thing to change in body, emotions, and mind. Something tiny. Just have the commitment, and set a part of your mind CONSTANTLY seeking greater clarity, energy, urgency, productivity, influence, and courage (the “High Performance Six”)
Breath. Move. Focus. Today is day 5 of our 90-day run to the end of the year. Imagine what you could accomplish in your life if you just committed, ONCE AND FOR ALL, to love yourself enough to take the actions that create the results. To start 2024 the very best YOU you can be.
What would that look like?
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Topic: Firedance
Time: Oct 7, 2023 12:00 PM Pacific Time (US and Canada)
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