Member-only story
Why Is the Body Essential in a Morning Ritual?
What if you already have everything you need to get everything you deeply desire? What if you are living in Fort Knox but surviving on spare change you pick up off the street?
That’s the amount of difference. And if YOU can awaken to your potential, you have the ability to awaken at least ten others.
And together, we can heal the world.
If you want to have the best year possible in 2023, you need to DEFINE WHAT THAT WOULD MEAN.
- A career goal (including getting a new job, if necessary!)
- A relationship goal (including loving yourself more)
- A physical goal (like doubling your energy)
If you don’t have a goal, “bootstrap” yourself by declaring “by the end of 2023, for the first time I will have a crystal clear idea of what I want to do with the rest of my life.” Then spend time every day, every week, considering this question.
And PLEASE remember that the core of any activity, any goal, has always been “decrease pain, increase pleasure.” The Dalai Lama said it as well as anyone, ever: “the meaning of life is to be joyful, and of service.”
Make that your bottom line.
In general, it is reasonable to expect to increase efficiency and effectiveness by at least 1% per week. Then, by studying people who have the characteristics or results you desire, you can figure out what behaviors…