Member-only story
Winning The Culture War on Race
I really do love that “Question” to detect racism: “under the same historical circumstances, would whites have been as damaged by slavery, or taken as long to recover?”
It has NEVER failed me. If the respondent is honest, I get their attitude on equality. If they lie, they are in the impossible circumstance of having to justify everything they said in the past and everything they say in the future in relation to their stated position. I don’t believe it is possible. The really fun thing is when I KNOW someone’s position, and they lie. Usually, they will slink away and I won’t hear from them for quite a while, if ever.
Sometimes, they will refuse to answer. In which case they are out of the conversation, and have saved. me time.
And from time to time, one will say that they suddenly realize their true attitudes, and ask for compassion and advice.
The result is always positive. Every single time, so far. All I have. to do is, sharpen my Spidey Sense, feel when it tingles (comments about “victimhood”, “discussing racism is racist” “Irish slaves” and so forth are sure signs its time to ask the Question) and watch the fun.
I always try to be nice to them, because I feel sorry for them. They are out of alignment with Spirit, and functioning from fear, seeking ways to avoid guilt or justify their own lack of success in life. Lack perspective and wisdom.
The saddest thing is that I’m convinced that if these people were black they would…