Member-only story
Your First “Diamond Hour” Of The Day
Man, I love listening to people who have accomplished my goals. Especially if they began with similar resource levels. I like to spend the first hour of my day, EVERY day, by listening to one of them talking about their experience. And that practice is one of the things I hear consistently —
The first hour of the day sets the tone for the rest of the day.
The first hour of the day sets the tone for the rest of the day
The first hour of the day sets the tone for the rest of the day.
Is that clear enough? What are YOU putting in your mind and heart and body in that first hour? Is it positive emotionally? Are you clarifying your intent? Doing some basic exercise to wake your body up? (Five Tibetans, Tai Chi, Joint Mobility, Sun Salutation, etc).
Inspirational literature? What one lady called your “positive parrot”, the positive voice of some trusted mentor to whisper in your ear all day long?
Or do you get caught up in social media fights? Listen to bad news from around the world? Sink into overwhelm at all there is to be done?
Here is what you need to do in the first hour:
- Wake up your heart, connect with the positive emotions and centeredness you will need all day. Meditate, journal, etc.
- Wake up your body. Exercise, drink herbal tea or coffee (a little caffeine is pretty cool, really).
- Wake up your mind. Look at your…