Your Own “Love Feast” is coming!
LOVE is a perfectly good way to access your body-mind. If you are safe in life, have a safety net, feel at peace…start here. THEN connect to survival.
But if you are fear driven? Weren’t protected as a child? START WITH SURVIVAL. If the 90-Day Love Feast (starting October 1) is about taking attention off yourself and onto your beloved. Well, we’re talking about the “Ancient Child” notion: making your “Child” self and your Elder self.
In other words, connecting to your higher self. FIRST you have to feel safe. Then open your heart. Then connect to higher self, the ultimate meaning of your life.
When you do this, I would suggest find a way that helping others, contributing to others, is feeding your own heart. FEED YOUR HEART FIRST.
Remember: Everything any animal ever does is to minimize pain and maximize pleasure. And at the higher end, after survival is handled, after love is a simple fact of existence, you will automatically begin to seek service. This is the guiding principle of FIREDANCE. All else is just a path, all else are merely tools to feel safe, loving, and joyfully in service to the world.
If you understand that this is the context, then through the end of the year I’ll be inviting you to create your own “90-Day Love Feast” in which you will
- Connect with your own heart.
- Connect with your survival drive.
- Make your spouse or partner’s happiness more important than your own. NOTE: this is CONSCIOUS attention. Once connected with heart and survival drive, loving YOURSELF should be at “unconscious competence”. Seek joy in service.
Get this? Let’s go through the Three Centers:
- BODY. Child. Survival. HANDLE THIS.
- HEART. Spouse or significant other. If you have none, love your own idealized self, the energetic mirror for the lover you crave.
- MIND. Your “Inner Elder”. The version of “you” that has accomplished all your life goals, raised up humanity, and is now at peace with death.
Love, then, will be in relation to all three of these. Healing heart and body connections MUST be prioritized over “head”. Head wants to make everything complicated, when it is really devastatingly simple. The answers cannot be found in a hundred libraries. They are WITHIN. The directions for finding them are so simple that billions of people prefer the complexity.
Nope. “X marks the spot.” Your heart. Start digging SATURDAY THE 30TH
Steven Barnes is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.
Topic: Firedance
Time: Sep 30, 2023 12:00 PM Pacific Time (US and Canada)
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